Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is the world’s third-largest canal
With a total length of 167 kilometers, it is a passage connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
It was completed and opened to navigation in 1869
Its opening has greatly shortened previous long voyages and brought Egypt closer to Europe
The Suez Canal was long controlled by the great powers
It was not until 1956 that Egyptian President Nasser nationalized it
The 1967 Egypt-Israel war led to the closure of the canal
In 1975, President Sadat reopened the canal
Now, the Suez Canal is open on average for 15 hours a day
Ninety ships pass through it and it undertakes 14% of the world’s trade volume
This is a major source of revenue for the Egyptian government
The specific business status during opening hours is subject to the opening situation on that day

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